Twelve Treats of Christmas

My taste runs toward the savory. If offered my dessert first I’ll probably refuse. I like my veggies and my salad and my protein. But when the second week of December comes, I remember fondly all the sweet and wintry food associated with past Christmas festivities and traditions. As I sit at my desk this month, with the darkening sky outside my window and the cozy lights inside, I feel ready to share memories of some seasonal treats. For the next twelve days, starting on Monday, I’ll post one a day until Christmas. I hope these posts rekindle some of your own memories of family celebrations and good cheer.

"Studio Window with Little Lights," Carol Crump Bryner, gouache and colored pencil, 2010

“Studio Window with Little Lights,” Carol Crump Bryner, gouache and colored pencil, 2010


16 thoughts on “Twelve Treats of Christmas

  1. Ellen

    Exciting news Carol! Thank you and will be looking forward to this:) Love the colors in “Studio Window”….just beautiful.

  2. Carol Henderson

    Oh Carol. What a treat for all of us. Thanks so much for sharing some of your holiday vision and treats with us. I so look forward to Monday.
    And I love your studio window today.
    Many thanks.
    Carol Henderson

  3. Bonny Headley

    What a lovely Christmas gift, Carol! I will anticipate each post. This week’s food section of the NYT includes this quote shard in an article by Jacques Pepin, from the Chinese philosopher, Lin Yutang. “Patriotism is the love of the dishes of our childhood.”

    1. Carol Post author

      I made that shade when we first moved into this house. It was for a window on a landing we no longer have, so I moved it to my studio. The part of the shade that doesn’t show in this painting is the big tear at the bottom from all the years of pulling it up and down. Even if ripped, I love it too.

  4. Karen D. kowalski

    Your window looks much cheerier than my big slider, as it is very cool and cloudy today. Turned on the Christmas tree lights at 3 pm, just to brighten up the room. Look forward to this new treat you will be sharing with us.

  5. Allen Matlins

    Will following this series lead to added calories as depictions stimulate consumption?
    Are all recipes nut and hormone free?
    All ingredients organic?


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